I like gangsta hip hop just as much as I like the other forms of it. But I don’t want to be in the midst of that bullshit when I come out to see you perform. I’m there to have a good time, just like most others are. No performing artist can be fully responsible for the people that come out to his show, but they are the “Pied Piper” so to speak. And they can dicate what the atmosphere is.
The reason why this is all important is because, some venues are reluctant or have refused to put local hip hop shows on. They feel that they have to hire extra security and the neighborhood residents complain about the problems some of the patrons cause. I’m just sayin, when your gig is known for being a good hangout, the women feel safe, and the dudes feel like they can come to your shit without a vest on, they will come back…and spend money.