There are more of them than there are of you. The Ordinary, that is. And lately they have been given a big platform. Just listen to the radio or look at the saturation of reality shows.
Everyone now wants to be heard, even when they have nothing to say. Sometimes this turns into quick but short lived fame. It can also generate big profit but the players are easily replaceable. So the machine keeps crankin’ it out until the public is burned out on this phase. Then it’s on to copy and paste the next.
But you shouldn’t conform to becoming one of the #Ordinary. They have always had you outnumbered. True artists are special because they are rare and different from the rest of the pack. The ordinary don’t understand this. They want to keep the music the same, the dress code the same, and they want it dumbed down to keep the playing field level so that they can play too. And for too long their voices have drowned out the voices of the rest. Or those with original ideas joined in and sang along. So once powerful art form to be co-opted by many who just saw it as just another hustle.
Everybody’s doing the same jig, so it’s not hard to stand out if you’re different. You just gotta have the courage to. The majority are all out there using the same drum kits, same drum patterns, same tempos, underneath the same script. Don’t become the Ordinary. Yeah, they may call you lame, gay, weird, and wack at first. But those who truly take risks, dare to be different, and push the envelope, leave a deeper impression and have a bigger impact. The others are often quickly forgotten.